Thursday, July 21, 2011

Selamatkan Kawan Yang Akan terSCAM FOREX..

Kisah Benar berkenaan ForeX bagi kawan2 yang semakin kusyuk ::: nah untuk mu ::: dan bukan apa "Sharing is Caring" kan kan....

Mengapa BNM Begitu Tegas dengan FOREX ?

FOREX merupakan pasaran kewangan yang paling volatile. Dalam erti kata lain ia amat berisiko. Jesteru, BNM mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga bagi mengelakkan rakyat Malaysia dimanipulasi oleh golongan-golongan tertentu yangingin mengambil kesempatan. (saya setuju dengan “Mungkinscam” mengenai isu ini.)

Jadi Apakah Melibatkan Diri Dalam FOREX itu Salah?


Kita perlu melihat isu ini dari konteks undang-undang. Mengikut Perkara 4(1), ECA 1953, Di Malaysia, hanya mereka yang berdaftar sahaja boleh berurusniaga FOREX dan EMAS. Dalam erti kata lain, mana-mana yang tidak berdaftar tidak boleh berurusniaga FOREX di Malaysia ini. Di Malaysia agen-agen FOREX berdaftar merujuk kepada Pengurup Matawang Berlesen (BNM)
Secara mudah, melalui konteks ECA 1953, anda tidak boleh menjalankan aktiviti tukaran wang asing seperti pengurup mata wang jika tidak berlesen. Simple as that.

Bagaimana Dengan FOREX Trading Melalui Internet?

Inilah yang menjadi isu apabila ECA dibaca secara buta tuli dan “Mungkin”. Lantas, semua yang berkaitan FOREX akan dihentam tanpa sebarang rasa rendah diri bahawa mungkin yang menghentam tu pun tak tahu undang-undang sebenarnya. Nama pun “MUNGKINscam” kan..
Untuk makluman semua termasuk “MUNGKINscam”, ECA 1953 DIKEMASKINI pada tahun 1969. Saya ulang, 1969… Jesteru, tiada satu peruntukkan khas yang benar-benar jelas untuk mengawal selia urusniaga FOREX melalui internet ini memandangkan penggunaan Internet untuk FOREX trading bermula sekita 1990-an.

Yang salah dalam ruang lingkup ECA 1953 adalah menjalankan urusniaga jual beli matawang asing tanpa lessen, atau membantu, memujuk dan mengiklankan perkhidmatan berkaitan DI MALAYSIA samada kepada Residen atau Non- Residen.
Realiti FOREX Trading Sekarang
Memandangkan Malaysia tidak mempunyai broker yang sah untuk menguruskan urusniaga FOREX, maka sesiapa yang mempunyai kemampuan boleh saja berurusniaga dengan broker-broker berdaftar di Negara-negara maju yang lain seperti UK atau US. Broker-broker seperti FXCM, Interbank etc, adalah broker yang SAH dari segi perundangan Negara mereka.

Apabila rakyat Malaysia menggunakan broker ini sebagai platform, samalah seperti kita membeli pelaburan di Negara UK atau US dan ia tidak termasuk di bawah bidangkuasa ECA 1953 dalam konteks yang dinyatakan tetapi termasuk dalam EXCHANGE CONTROL NOTICES 9 –Investment Abroad di bawah tajuk ini: (ECM9)

“Investment By Individual” - A resident individual with domestic ringgit credit facilities is allowed to convert ringgit into foreign currency up to RM1 million per calendar year for investment in foreign currency assets.

Kalau Residen yang ada pinjaman domestik pun dibenarkan, apalagi kalau duit sendiri… Jadi kalaupun nak jadi isu adalah sekiranya, jumlah pelaburan luar Negara melebihi limit yang ditetapkan, itu saja..

Jawab hujah “MUNGKIN Scam”

MS: Trader beranggapan mereka trade dalam market, tetapi hakikatnya trader hanya bermain dengan broker. Broker boleh mengawal keseluruhan operasi trading dari software khas. Dengan kata lain, trader sebenarnya tertipu.

Betarian: Broker hanya menyediakan platform utk urusniaga, sama seperti broker saham lah. Bukti bahawa bukan broker yang menentukan rates adalah rates yang dinyatakan adalah konsisten dengan rates yang dipaparkan di sumber berita seperti Bloomberg dan sebangainya.

MS: Kebanyakan broker mengaku sebagai pemilik lesen yang sah, sedangkan sebenarnya tidak.

Betarian: KEBANYAKAN bukan SEMUA. Jadi sapa suruh trade dengan broker yang tak sah.. check la dulu… jangan main MUNGKIN aje….

MS: Trader dalam erti kata lain, berjudi dengan trader lain dan bermain dengan broker. Penjudi yang kalah akan dipastikan sentiasa lebih ramai dari penjudi yang menang. Broker yang untung.

Betarian: Trader tidak berjudi. Kami memasuki pasaran berdasarkan Technical Analysis dan Fundamental Analysis kami. Sama seperti pelabur saham. Dan untuk pengetahuan MS, broker bukan memperoleh keuntungan melalui kerugian traders tapi spread yang dikenakan sebelum transaksi dibuat. Mungkin MS dulu masuk tanpa ilmu dan berjudi tak? MUNGKIN la…

MS: Trader yang kalah tidak akan menyalahkan broker kerana sentiasa menyalahkan diri sendiri, robot atau news.

Betarian: La.. kenapa nak salahkan orang kalau memang salah sendiri? Takkan mereka yang rugi saham nak pergi bakar broker? Patutla MS tulis macam ni.. suka menyalahkan orang. Diri sendiri yang takde ilmu sebenarnya.

MS: ’FOREX’ dalam konteks artikel ini adalah scam terancang dan sangat licik.

Betarian: Yang salah bukan FOREX, tapi mereka yang mengambil deposit daripada orang lain secara tidak sah dan menjalankan pelaburan bagi pihak tuan punya duit tu… kalau duit sendiri, kita trade sendiri, guna broker sah macam FXCM ke Interbank ke takde masalah.. sila baca ECM9…


Harap artikel ini dibaca secara rasional dan terbuka. Kesimpulannya:

  1. FOREX bukanlah satu scam. Yang scam hanyalah orang yang menggunakan FOREX untuk menipu orang lain dengan MENGAMBIL DEPOSIT SECARA TIDAK SAH seperti Skim Pak Man Telo, dan seumpamanya.
  2. Carilah Broker yang sah dan berdaftar di UK atau US seperti FXCM atau Interbank untuk pelaburan FOREX anda.
  3. Sebolehnya, jangan beri wang anda kepada orang lain untuk dilaburkan. Duit anda, biar anda yang trade. Pelaburan FOREX perlu dipelajari dan didalami kerana ia bukan PERJUDIAN TOTOK, ia adalah seperti perniagaan.
  4. Kepada sesiapa yang merasakan FOREX itu salah, jangan cepat menuding jari mengatakan orang yang terlibat dengan FOREX itu Bodoh dan low mentality… MUNGKIN ada yang tertipu, tapi itu bukan salah FOREX.. itu salah diri sendiri yang tidak mempunyai ilmu….. MUNGKIN…

SUMBER ASAL : betarian

CONSEQUENT if YOU HackeD BlacKShoT :: WarninG FroM XixiXHeadbreakeR !!


1.1 What are hack / cheat tools?Hack / cheat tools are software programs that alter the original attributes or rightful match result of one's character in the game.

External programs that enable your character:
  • to have much faster movement speed (aka Speed Hack)
  • to gain a lot more EXP and/or BP
  • to have a much stronger armour
  • to have a much higher HP
  • etc.
All of the above are considered hack / cheat tools.
We aim to create a fair gameplay environment for the BlackShot Online community. As such, players found using hack / cheat tools will be penalized.

1.2 Penalty for using hack / cheat tools
First Offense:
  • BP reduced to 20,000
  • De-ranked to Recruit
  • BP Guns removed
  • Mastery will be drop to Rookie
Second Offense:
  • BP reduced to 0
  • De-ranked to Recruit
  • BP/GS Guns removed
  • Mastery will be drop to Rookie
  • Garena account banned (requires Garena unban appeal card)
Third Offense:
  • Garena Account Permanent Ban (non appealable)

2.1 What is considered as an inappropriate nickname?
Nicknames that may imply meanings which make other players uncomfortable and/or offended; or harbour the intention of deceiving other players are considered inappropriate.

For example, nicknames that:
  • impersonate Game Masters, Operatives, Ambassadors and/or other characters
  • contain sexual context and/or obscene body parts
  • consist of vulgarities or are otherwise offensive, and/or may cause confusion
  • may be protected by trademark or other proprietary rights laws
  • have a reference to hacking such as "Hack4fun", "LetsHack"
  • make no sense such as "1111nnnnn1111"
  • harbour the intention to confuse via letter masking such as "IoIip0O0Op", (i.e. using "i"s for "L"s and zeros for the letter "o")

2.2 Penalty for using inappropriate nicknames

For characters with inappropriate names, the administrator shall reserve the rights to change the nickname(s) in question without prior notice or temporary ban for repeated offense or BP reduction.
3.1 What is considered as misbehaviour?
The usage of language or actions with the intention to deceive, or make other players uncomfortable, or become a nuisance to the BlackShot Online community are considered misbehaviour.

For example:
  • Usage of vulgarities
  • Malicious flaming of other players
  • Discussion of sexual / violent / obscene topics
  • Advertising of illegal or malicious websites / programs
  • Spamming of messages
  • Intensive cursing and swearing
  • Threats Scamming of other players' account info
We aim to create a pleasant gameplay environment for the BlackShot Online community. As such, players who are caught misbehaving in-game will be penalized.

3.2 Penalty for misbehaving players
For players who are guilty of engaging in misbehaviour in the game, the administrator reserves the rights to ban his/her Garena Blackshot account for an indefinite period of time or BP reduction.
4.1 Flooding / Spamming (Minor Offense)
Flooding is when a player type messages repeatedly on screen to the point that it disrupts normal conversations between other players and the game as well. This can bother or harass other players or draw useless attention to one's self.

4.2 Event Disruption (Minor Offense)
Game Masters run different game events daily. Players who disrupt these events (continuously messaging a GM, being in a zone they have been asked not to be in, harassing participants, etc.) will be subject to penalties.

4.3 False Reporting (Minor Offense)
Reporting false information such as presenting yourself as a hack victim to profit from this action is illegal. This also applies to giving false information about others players to get them into trouble or continuously accusing other players of non-factual information.

4.4 Player Harassment / Swearing (Minor to Major Offense)
Swearing is using curse words or profane words in any language that can be seen by any other player. Although we have implemented a program to filter the use of swear words during the game some players may find ways to get around this with the use of other characters or symbols. Remember not everybody is the same. Each has their own creed, religion, race and personal culture and what is okay with you and your peers may not be okay for them.

4.5 Vulgarity (Minor to Major Offense)
Vulgarity is the use of lewd and indecent words in character names, guild names and messages. This game has players of all ages and such words whether sexually implicit or not may be considered inappropriate for them. It is also considered vulgar to use letters, numbers and symbols to create graphics that are sexually implicit. Insulting other players occurs when a player or group of players uses vulgarity or swear words against another player or party for any particular reason. It is the use of insults in order to degrade another or hurt their feelings. Some comments do not necessarily have to contain swear words to be insulting to a person. Player remarks can be hateful, degrading, racist, and very discriminatory.

4.6 Threatening (Major Offense)
We do not tolerate threatening of other players with challenges that result in violent outcomes. These include fights, shooting, stabbing, killing and threats to seek and beat up other players out of the game. Please keep it in-game.

4.7 Harassing Game Masters (Major Offense)
Harassment of Game Masters or other Garena employees such as Blackshot Operatives / Ambassadors and Staff is a punishable offense. Game Masters may issue a verbal or written warning before issuing penalties to the offending party.

4.8 Garena / Blackshot Employee Impersonation (Major Offense)
This occurs when a player pretends to be a Game Master or employee of Garena in order to extract personal information, account information such as username and password, in-game currency, or game items from another player. This is a form of scamming and will not be tolerated by game management.

4.9 Illegal Trading (Major Offense)
Illegal Trading is when another player sells or buys Garena accounts for money. This also includes the trading of items that represent any money value such as prepaid cards. Trading in-game items for real money, game load, prepaid load, or any other property outside of the game is highly discouraged. Illegal trading will not be honoured as a valid excuse reason for acquiring items, if the items were reported missing, the account will be held liable for account hacking, if the item is illegal, the account will be blocked accordingly.

4.10 Account Hacking (Major Offense)
Account hacking is accessing another characters account in order to use/sell items/GS, delete the character, or obtain personal information about the character or about the player himself.

4.11 Game Hacking / Use of Third Party Programs (Major Offense)
Third party programs are programs that are used in order to change or modify the game client. This includes wall hacks, tapping hacks, speed hacks, duplicating programs, key loggers (any form) and cheat engines that may edit game modifiers or character stats. It is illegal to advertise or distribute any third party programs inside and outside the game, as well as advertising fake websites.

4.12.A Game Fixing / Flagging (Major Offense)
Flagging/Farming in Blackshot terms, is not allowed and strongly discouraged amongst players. Game Fixing includes killing players repeatedly who aren't moving or are Away From Keyboard (AFK), as well as taking turns to flag without any actual combat on-going.

4.12.B Game Fixing / Flagging - Clan Match (Major Offense)
Flagging/Farming in Blackshot terms, is not allowed and strongly discouraged amongst clans. Game Fixing includes killing players repeatedly who aren't moving or are Away From Keyboard (AFK), as well as taking turns to flag without any actual combat on-going. Fixing game wins in terms of exchanging win or lose with another clan.

4.13 Bug Exploitation / Glitching (Major Offense)
Bugs in the game should always be reported to Blackshot Game Masters / Operatives and Ambassadors as soon as they discovered the bug. The management shall reserve the rights to penalize those players who abuse the bugs for personal gain. A very good example is crate, box or ladder glitching.
5. Penalties
5.1 For Minor Offense
First Offense: 1-Day Account Ban
Second Offense: 7-Day Account Ban
Third Offense: 30-Day Account Ban or Garena Account Permanent Ban

5.2.A For Major Offense
First Offense: BP reduced to 20,000
De-ranked to Recruit
BP Guns removed
Mastery will be drop to Rookie

Second Offense: BP reduced to 0
De-ranked to Recruit
BP/GS Guns removed
Mastery will be drop to Rookie

Third Offense: Garena Account Permanent Ban (no appeal)

5.2.B For Major Offense - Clan
Win record deduction by 300 games
Lose record increse by 300 games
50% deduction on Clan Points